Monday 17 July 2017

There is no better smell than fresh sea air, but start taking deeper breaths at the beach because it is good for you, too. The salty sea air by the coast does wonders for the respiratory system and those with asthma, bronchitis, sinus pressure, and coughing will notice a difference in their condition after just one day at the beach. Ocean air also contains negatively charged hydrogen ions that help absorb oxygen and balance out serotonin levels, resulting in more energy and diminished depression.
There is no greater healer than salt water. Swimming in the ocean enhances the immune system, hydrates skin, and boosts circulation. Seawater that is rich in magnesium also has been shown to relax muscles and helps induce sleep. And with swimming one of the greatest forms of exercise, you’re better off paddling around the ocean than in the pool.

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